Message from the Secretary General and President

2019 has been a great year full of new directions for AnimalhealthEurope. New directions as to how animal medicines will be regulated and used moving forward, a new direction for the EU with the changeover in leadership, and a new direction for how we present our industry in Europe, to mention just a few. 

As Secretary General and President of AnimalhealthEurope we remain constant and together we grabbed these changes in direction with both hands. Read on through our annual report for the highlights from this past year. 

New EU rules – a changing landscape for veterinary medicines

Published in the EU Official Journal in January, the new EU Regulations on Veterinary Medicines and Medicated Feed are set in motion for application in all EU Member States in early 2022. This was the topic of our conference in the first half of the year as industry and regulators exchanged on the implementation phase of the new Regulations. With a high number of Implementing Acts and Delegated Acts to be prepared, agreed and published, and new electronic portals along with three new EU databases, covering products, manufacturing and pharmacovigilance to be built, the behind-the-scenes work this year has been tremendous. 
Some pathways are yet to be defined, but the work continues and we remain an active stakeholder providing input to the many consultations where and when needed.

New EU leadership – uncharted waters in Brussels

The European Parliament elections in May and the ensuing changes at the European Commission has shone a light on a burning desire for Europe to become climate-neutral, with the European Green Deal pitted to become Europe’s flagship policy. The animal health industry is keen to support progress and changes where they are needed, while ensuring that Europe aims for true sustainability at a pace which will engage Europe’s wider farming community rather than pursuing absolute reduction figures. This while supporting further research and development into as many tools and innovative solutions as necessary to protect Europe’s animals.

A new story – delving into the deeper veterinary toolbox


Drawing attention to the host of opportunities that advances such digital monitoring, high-tech diagnostics, and new and improved vaccines can offer, we also broadened our story-telling to highlight the importance of deploying the wider veterinary toolbox. Focusing on the ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach, the industry believes that with the full spectrum of animal health solutions available to animal owners across Europe, many benefits can be brought in terms of improving animal health and producing food in a more sustainable manner. 
Not only does better animal health mean a reduced need for antibiotics to be used in animal care, but it also means: optimal animal well-being; increased food safety and security; resilience against economically devastating crises; enhanced resource efficiency; and a drastic reduction of food losses and waste.

New members, and a word of thanks

AnimalhealthEurope was very pleased this year to welcome two new company members to our European association. Spain-based Syva and Northern Ireland-based Norbrook joining our ranks means that we can continue to be a strong, and more united voice for the animal medicines industry in Europe. We look forward to working with them as we strive to stimulate a regulatory environment that encourages the bringing to market of the latest scientific advancement in veterinary medicines, providing availability of animal health solutions in all markets, for all species.
And so we say thanks to all of our members and our partners here in Brussels, and a big thanks also to our secretariat for working so diligently to ensure that ours is the voice of the animal medicines industry in Europe.

2019 has been a great year full of new directions for AnimalhealthEurope. New directions as to how animal medicines will be regulated and used moving forward, a new direction for the EU with the changeover in leadership, and a new direction for how we present our industry in Europe, to mention just a few. 

As Secretary General and President of AnimalhealthEurope we remain constant and together we grabbed these changes in direction with both hands. Read on through our annual report for the highlights from this past year. 

New EU rules – a changing landscape for veterinary medicines

Published in the EU Official Journal in January, the new EU Regulations on Veterinary Medicines and Medicated Feed are set in motion for application in all EU Member States in early 2022. This was the topic of our conference in the first half of the year as industry and regulators exchanged on the implementation phase of the new Regulations. With a high number of Implementing Acts and Delegated Acts to be prepared, agreed and published, and new electronic portals along with three new EU databases, covering products, manufacturing and pharmacovigilance to be built, the behind-the-scenes work this year has been tremendous. 
Some pathways are yet to be defined, but the work continues and we remain an active stakeholder providing input to the many consultations where and when needed.

New EU leadership – uncharted waters in Brussels

The European Parliament elections in May and the ensuing changes at the European Commission has shone a light on a burning desire for Europe to become climate-neutral, with the European Green Deal pitted to become Europe’s flagship policy. The animal health industry is keen to support progress and changes where they are needed, while ensuring that Europe aims for true sustainability at a pace which will engage Europe’s wider farming community rather than pursuing absolute reduction figures. This while supporting further research and development into as many tools and innovative solutions as necessary to protect Europe’s animals.

A new story – delving into the deeper veterinary toolbox

Drawing attention to the host of opportunities that advances such digital monitoring, high-tech diagnostics, and new and improved vaccines can offer, we also broadened our story-telling to highlight the importance of deploying the wider veterinary toolbox. Focusing on the ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach, the industry believes that with the full spectrum of animal health solutions available to animal owners across Europe, many benefits can be brought in terms of improving animal health and producing food in a more sustainable manner. 
Not only does better animal health mean a reduced need for antibiotics to be used in animal care, but it also means: optimal animal well-being; increased food safety and security; resilience against economically devastating crises; enhanced resource efficiency; and a drastic reduction of food losses and waste.

New members, and a word of thanks

AnimalhealthEurope was very pleased this year to welcome two new company members to our European association. Spain-based Syva and Northern Ireland-based Norbrook joining our ranks means that we can continue to be a strong, and more united voice for the animal medicines industry in Europe. We look forward to working with them as we strive to stimulate a regulatory environment that encourages the bringing to market of the latest scientific advancement in veterinary medicines, providing availability of animal health solutions in all markets, for all species.
And so we say thanks to all of our members and our partners here in Brussels, and a big thanks also to our secretariat for working so diligently to ensure that ours is the voice of the animal medicines industry in Europe.