Press releases
Animal health policy for today's reality, the central role for vaccines
Transboundary and emerging animal diseases have been increasing in occurrence over the past decades. Diseases which were once only reported outside of Europe’s borders are now more frequently occurring on European soil, and not solely in the...
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Pieter-Jan Serreyn joins AnimalhealthEurope as new Technical Director
With the retirement of current Technical Director Rick Clayton coming up at the end of 2024, AnimalhealthEurope has this week welcomed Pieter-Jan Serreyn to the team as the new Technical Director.
A Belgian national, Pieter-Jan is a...
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Value of prevention should not be overlooked in fight against AMR
For many years now coalitions of stakeholders along the animal value chain have been promoting Responsible Use of medicines in animals alongside a holistic approach to preventing and minimising disease occurrence. The value of prevention is...
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Need for greater attention to animal health in new European Commission
With the recent nomination of Olivér Várhelyi from Hungary as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, we look with interest to the upcoming hearing in the European Parliament to understand his views on the important role that animal health...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes UN Political Declaration on AMR
The final draft of the United Nations Political Declaration on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) provides a clear outline for global action against AMR. We appreciate the work undertaken by UN Member States to develop a broad consensus for better...
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Welcome recognition of role of animal health in Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the important role of animal heath recognised in the outcome report from the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.
It is also positive to note that all stakeholders involved in drafting the...
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A welcome plan for a sustainable, prosperous and competitive EU
The positive narrative around making business easier and faster and putting research and innovation at the heart of the EU economy, in the speech of newly re-elected Commission President Von der Leyen and the Political Guidelines for the Next...
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Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10
In the shaping of the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10), we, the undersigned 109 European associations representing key European RD&I stakeholders, hereby urge the EU Institutions to significantly increase...
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Animal Health Matters: AnimalhealthEurope Manifesto for the EU elections
Europe is the birthplace of modern veterinary medicine and home to world-leading animal health companies. With the EU elections just around the corner the animal health industry has four clear ambitions for Europe to maintain its first-class...
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Value of animal vaccination should be recognised
World Animal Vaccination Day – 20 AprilJoint statement from AnimalhealthEurope, FECAVA, and FVE
The benefits of vaccines have long been understood by generations of parents who’ve protected the health of their children. Similarly, for...
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1000 organisations united call on EU Leaders to support the business case for investing in Europe with the European Industrial Deal
The Antwerp Declaration, and its call for a European Industrial Deal, has seen a remarkable surge in support, having reached 1000 supporters from business leaders of companies, associations and Trade Union organisations representing 25 sectors...
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Collection of antibiotic sales and use data central to ensuring responsible antibiotic use in animal health
The voluntary collection of data on the sales and use of antimicrobials in animals has played a central role for the past 15 years in monitoring use and encouraging good antibiotic stewardship in the animal sector. AnimalhealthEurope welcomes...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes recognition of essential role of vaccination in prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases
As the Belgian Presidency to the Council of the EU organises a Ministerial Conference on Animal Health this January, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see recognition of the essential role of biosecurity measures and vaccination as tools in the...
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Animal health monitoring and tracking technologies positioned positively in Animal Welfare proposals
As the European Commission published two elements of the EU Animal Welfare legislation today, AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the move to take into account not just scientific updates, but also the development of new tools and technologies to...
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AFCC publishes Recommendations for EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029
The Agri-Food Chain Coalition has published recommendations for the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 to include the strengthening of the European food autonomy and resilience as well as enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the entire...
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Stakeholders united in call for Commission Proposal on Breeding and Keeping of Cats and Dogs to be published without further delay
With European households being home to more than 140 million cats and dogs, many stakeholders welcomed the European Commission’s announcement back in 2019 to design the first ever species-specific rules for cats and dogs involved in commercial activities.
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Continued Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals Shows Positive Progress Towards Farm to Fork Target
With sales of veterinary antibiotics decreased by 53% on average across Europe since 2011, it is clear that the animal sector is now well-versed in good antibiotic stewardship. According to the latest ESVAC report from the European Medicines...
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DISCONTOOLS renews its website
The DISCONTOOLS website has recently undergone a facelift to enhance the user experience, and it is now possible to filter diseases by the animal host as well as by the continent where it occurs. This is important because infectious diseases...
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FEDIAF and AnimalhealthEurope welcome FVE and FECAVA to Pet Alliance Europe
Brussels 26 September: At its annual #PetPower event in Brussels, the Pet Alliance Europe announced the expansion of its collaboration. FVE (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe) and FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal...
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Positive steps from Sweden to strengthen One Health cross sectorial collaboration for zoonotic health threats
An information note from the Swedish Presidency for the Council meeting on Agriculture and Fisheries calling for strong and effective cross-sectoral collaboration for future One Health challenges is a positive step for concrete application of...
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Welcome recognition of importance of animal health in Council Recommendation on combatting AMR
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the recognition of the importance of protecting animal health as outlined in the Council Recommendation to combat antimicrobial resistance approved today: ‘17) …Ensuring a high level of animal health and welfare...
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President and Vice-presidents Confirmed at AnimalhealthEurope General Assembly
Last week the AnimalhealthEurope Board and General Assembly welcomed two new Board members and appointed the Officers for the next two-year term.
Rob Kelly from MSD animal health will continue in his role as president of the association for a...
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Animal health and animal welfare: different role, same goal
AnimalhealthEurope’s annual conference gathered over 100 participants to discuss the role different parties can play in reaching the same goal: high levels of animal welfare in Europe.
The event kicked off with an inspired presentation from...
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Leading EU agri-food chain organisations unite in a call for more involvement around the shaping of the future legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems
Today, 31 organisations representing all the leading organisations of the food chain in the EU sent a joint letter to the European Commission asking to be more involved in the building process of the Farm to Fork flagship initiative: the...
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Animal vaccines protect our shared One Health
AnimalhealthEurope, FECAVA, FVE joint press releaseWorld Animal Vaccination Day – 20 April
Animal vaccines play an important role in animal health management, but this World Animal Vaccination Day we want to draw attention to the multiple...
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EU Veterinary Medicines Regulation one year on from application
At the Veterinary Medicines Info Day organised by the European Medicines Agency, industry and regulators discussed both positive progress and challenges experienced during the first transition year since the new EU Regulation on veterinary...
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AFCC calls to strengthen food systems’ resilience during crisis times through innovation
On Monday, 28th November, the Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC) held an event at the European Parliament around the need to strengthen food systems’ resilience and autonomy during crisis, hosted by MEP Marlene Mortler.
The event...
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Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals Contributes to One Health Action
The EMA has been collecting data on sales of veterinary antibiotics for over ten years. During that time, thanks to continuous awareness-raising campaigns, training, and education, we have collectively managed to instil the practice of...
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New research identifies lack of appropriate control tools for many major infectious diseases of animals
New research published in The Lancet Planetary Health has identified a lack of appropriate control tools for many infectious diseases of animals that can have a significant impact upon the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Prioritisation of the animal health industry during potential gas shortages as a consequence of the war in Ukraine
On Wednesday 20 July, the European Commission announced the adoption of a European Gas Demand Reduction Plan setting out measures, principles, and criteria for coordinated gas demand reduction.
This Plan aims to safeguard supply to essential...
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One Health: growing in understanding, where are we in application?
AnimalhealthEurope hosted its first-ever hybrid event to address the topic of One Health, asking the question where we are now in terms of application.
The event kicked off with a dialogue between Monique Eloit, Director General of the World...
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Rob Kelly of MSD Animal Health elected President of AnimalhealthEurope as Hans Dittrich retires
As Hans Dittrich of MSD Animal Health announced his retirement this summer, the AnimalhealthEurope Board and General Assembly elected his successor Rob Kelly to complete the two-year term started in June 2021.
With a degree in agriculture that...
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Five points for developing an instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
We recognise that ensuring the health of animals is important for safeguarding the health of people and our planet, not only in terms of ensuring the availability of safe, sustainably produced, healthy food for all, but also in terms of...
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World Animal Vaccination Day: Realising the potential of vaccination for better animal welfare
Brussels, 20 April 2022; In today’s world, as we have experienced too well, disease is unpredictable. This is particularly true for diseases linked to infections caused by novel strains or micro-organisms. So, we need to remain both alert and...
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AnimalhealthEurope statement
Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine as they try to protect their families, friends and animals.
We welcome the derogation from the European Commission to allow EU member states to authorise entry for pets accompanying Ukrainian refugees...
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A new landscape for veterinary medicines in Europe
As of today, the EU Regulations on Veterinary Medicines and Medicated Feed are due for application in the 27 EU Member States. Widely promoted by the European Commission as a key tool to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR),...
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Farm to Fork Strategy: how to reach the targets?
With the Farm to Fork deadline looming in 8 years’ time and no comprehensive impact assessment in sight, we must build solution-oriented policies, based on the available data we have at hand, with innovation as their cornerstone.
In a...
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#MeattheFacts - Dialogue opens with EVP Timmermans on the future of European livestock farming
On 7 December sector associations from European Livestock Voice invited EVP Timmermans to visit a beef and dairy farm in the Wallonia region of Belgium. The visit organised in cooperation with local farming Union FWA, was a great opportunity for...
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Animal health industry associations warn solutions are needed to address Northern Ireland Protocol veterinary medicines supply concerns
NOAH (UK National Office for Animal Health) along with AnimalhealthEurope, is concerned that the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) introduced following the UK’s exit from the EU could, in its current format, cause substantial disruption to...
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Impressive Decrease In Veterinary Antibiotic Use Shows Good Uptake Of Responsible Use Principles In Europe
With more than a decade of data collection from countries across Europe, the European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC) report has today registered an overall decline (since 2011) in sales of antimicrobials for animal...
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The Animal Health Sector’s Successful Approach To Reducing The Need For Antibiotic Use
The theme of this year’s antibiotic awareness day is: ‘In times of COVID-19, don’t forget about antimicrobial resistance.’ With the weight of both public health and animal health always top of mind, the animal health sector can safely...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes European Parliament support for EU food system transformation based on innovative solutions
The EU Farm to Fork strategy is full of ambition, and AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the support of the European Parliament for a transition to a more sustainable EU food system. We know that changes must be made, and the animal health industry is...
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Farm to Fork - It's time to listen to what the data says
Food chain actors all agree with the main principles set out in the Farm to Fork strategy and are fully aware that constant and substantial improvement must be made to ensure a more sustainable approach for our food systems. Nevertheless,...
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New Pet Alliance Europe asks: Can Pets Power Health in Europe?
In an online event organised with Parliament Magazine on 29 September, the newly formed Pet Alliance Europe discussed human-animal bond research, how it can be applied in health care policies, and whether Europeans recognise the many benefits...
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Next generation livestock farming: what drivers for improved animal health and welfare?
AnimalhealthEurope’s annual event focused this year on the next generation of Europe’s livestock farmers and their needs when it comes to meeting the multitude of demands set out in the EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.
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Hans-Guenther Dittrich of MSD Animal Health elected AnimalhealthEurope President
Our Sustainability Focus: Healthy animals, healthier people and a healthier planet
The EU Green Week theme this year is Zero Pollution for healthier people and planet. Representing the animal health industry in Europe, we know that we have a responsibility to contribute to a sustainable future and Europe’s zero pollution...
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Joint Declaration on the anniversary of the Farm to Fork strategy
Today marks one year to the day since the Farm to Fork strategy was presented in Brussels by the European Commission. However, we cannot celebrate its anniversary, as the strategy still raises too many questions in the European farming and...
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Animal vaccination should become an EU priority post-pandemic
With the new EU Regulation on Transmissible Animal Diseases, due to become applicable across EU Member States on 21 April – the day after World Animal Vaccination Day – the animal health industry strongly supports the boost given to the...
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High attendance at Veterinary Medicines Info Day ahead of implementation of new EU Regulations
Hosted by the European Medicines Agency with the support of AnimalhealthEurope, the Veterinary Medicines Info Day welcomed a record number of participants to the reformulated online event, as the veterinary medicine sector enters the final...
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AnimalhealthEurope survey shows growing awareness of the benefits of veterinary medicines
A survey commissioned by AnimalhealthEurope, across 8 European countries canvassed the knowledge and opinions of citizens towards the use of veterinary medicines for the treatment and prevention of diseases in pets and farm animals. On the one...
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Advancing the three pillars of sustainability through better livestock health and welfare: applying evidence to action plans
Hosted jointly by animal medicines industry associations, experts in agro-economics, livestock sustainability, natural resource management and policy discussed the contributions of better livestock health and welfare to sustainability at a panel...
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Animal health industry benchmarks EU Regulatory system for veterinary medicines
AnimalhealthEurope has just published a report benchmarking the EU Regulatory system and how it compares with regulatory systems for veterinary medicines around the world.
“Regulatory regimes can make or break the industry’s ability to...
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Preserving antibiotics: Animal health sector united and supporting Europe’s farmers in responsible use efforts
‘Stay United to Preserve Antimicrobials’ is the theme of this year’s antibiotic awareness day and the animal health industry believes that the focus throughout the year must remain firmly on these parallel objectives of preserving the...
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Greater One Health dialogue needed for a healthier future
AnimalhealthEurope strongly encourages greater exchange between human health, animal health and environmental disciplines, to develop practical collaboration that takes the complexities and inter-relationships of these different areas into...
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Year-on-year reduction in veterinary antibiotic use shows Responsible Use well-established in Europe
25 European countries register a 34.6% overall decline in sales of antibiotics for animal health purposes since 2011. This is the result of more than a decade of efforts to increase disease prevention and improve animal health management through...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes Council Conclusions on EU Farm to Fork strategy
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes numerous mentions in today’s Council conclusions that underline the importance of animal health and its key role in the implementation of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The animal health industry in Europe also...
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EU Influencers gather to discuss #PetPower and raise profile of pets on EU agenda
The European animal health and pet food industry associations, AnimalhealthEurope and FEDIAF came together ahead of World Animal Day with a virtual event -#PetPower to highlight the important role that pets have played during COVID-19 lockdowns...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes Parliament’s recognition of efforts to ensure environmental safety of veterinary pharmaceuticals
Following the European Parliament adoption of the Motion for a Resolution on a strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see key aspects of veterinary medicine use and authorisation processes...
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Livestock farming in Europe: what does sustainability look like?
Reformatted as an online debate, AnimalhealthEurope’s annual event focused on the EU Farm to Fork strategy and how the European livestock sector can deliver on sustainability demands.
In a recorded message from Stella Kyriakides, the European...
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Prevention is better than cure
The exceptional circumstances we are finding ourselves in at the moment are highlighting in no uncertain terms the importance of effective vaccination programmes – both in humans and in animals.
As we unite to ensure a continuum of care for...
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EU Farm to Fork strategy: AnimalhealthEurope supports an EU food system transformation based on innovation
AnimalhealthEurope supports the ambition of the European Commission to move towards a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system, with a transformation based on innovative and enabling technologies while respecting biodiversity and...
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European industries welcome important industry focus from European Commission
Industry4Europe, a coalition of 154 sector Associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, is pleased to receive the publication by the European Commission of its much-awaited New Industrial Strategy for Europe.
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Launch of SMArt – a new charity to improve the regulation of veterinary medicines worldwide
The charity – Safe Medicines for Animals through regulatory training (SMArt, – was launched on 11 March at a reception at the House of Lords attended by Ministers, senior government officials, and leaders in the...
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AnimalhealthEurope continues close work with NOAH
Whilst the UK will cease today to be an EU member, it will remain part of Europe, and AnimalhealthEurope will continue to work alongside our UK member NOAH (National Office of Animal Health) as a strong partner supporting the future of animal...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes European Parliament resolution to protect companion animals
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the resolution on the illegal trade in companion animals supported by an overwhelming majority of members of the European Parliament.
The resolution calls on the Commission to adopt measures such as: a mandatory EU...
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New European Green Deal: Animal health sector ready to take up the challenge
The animal health industry in Europe welcomes the integrated approach to tackle climate change while creating a sustainable and resilient European economy, announced in the new European Green Deal framework proposal.
“The animal health...
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European livestock sector unites to ‘burst’ the myths surrounding the sector
Representatives from the European livestock sector gathered today in front of the European Commission buildings in Brussels to address the danger of oversimplifying the debate around livestock and its role in European society. This flash action...
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Preventing animal diseases in Europe
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Animal medicines industry pledges 25 global actions by 2025 to reduce the need for antibiotics in animals
In a sector-wide strategy to address antibiotic resistance by first reducing the occasions on which antibiotics are needed for livestock and pets, AnimalhealthEurope members have joined a multi-billion euro pledge to support the development of...
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Continued focus on Responsible Use of antibiotics recognised in latest ESVAC report
Awareness-raising on better disease prevention and animal health management through improved hygiene practices, biosecurity measures, vaccine use and good nutrition continues to help reduce the need to use antibiotics in animals as demonstrated...
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Stronger voice for innovation in animal health
Yesterday evening was one of celebration for AnimalhealthEurope as the association announced two new member companies joining the ranks and feted 10 years of part-EU funded research project DISCONTOOLS.
The new company members are...
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#MeattheFacts: European Livestock Voice sets to balance the debate around livestock production
The livestock sector is today at the epicentre of public debates in Europe and beyond. These debates have become dominated by interest groups who only want to spread myths and radical views about livestock farming. Ever increasing on social...
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Celebrating healthy animals!
With the new EU regulations for veterinary medicines and medicated feed heading for final sign-off this autumn AnimalhealthEurope hosted an evening celebration to remind decision-makers and stakeholders of the importance of animal health and to...
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Joint Statement for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Programme
16 September 2019
We, the undersigned 93 European associations representing key European research & innovation stakeholders, hereby urge the EU Institutions to make research, development and innovation (RD&I) a priority within the next...
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Open letter to MEPs on AMR
Today, 17 organisations active in human and animal health have sent an open letter to the Members of the European Parliament, urging them to bring antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to the forefront of EU interinstitutional discussions and to...
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Welcome boost to national action on AMR from Council
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the recognition of extensive efforts made to reduce the need to use antibiotics in the veterinary sector in today’s Council conclusions, which highlight the strict EU regulation on the use of antibiotics in animals,...
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AnimalhealthEurope Officers re-appointed for another term
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Food and Farming: well-fed or fed up?
Ensuring sustainable food production is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and current conversations indicate a breach of confidence in our food systems and confusion over healthy diets. A highly urbanised population and an...
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AnimalhealthEurope signs up to EU Code of Conduct on agricultural data sharing
Following its launch on 23 April 2018, the EU Code of Conduct on Agricultural Data Sharing has now received the support of two additional international federations: Centre de Liaison International des Marchands de Machines Agricoles et des...
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Hesitancy over animal vaccination could be a deadly mistake
Mistaken beliefs about the need for pet vaccines and a growing hesitancy towards vaccination reported amongst pet owners in Europe could give rise to deadly diseases that not only affect cats and dogs, but also people.
With UK vets signalling a...
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Industry and regulators review the changing landscape for veterinary medicines in Europe
AnimalhealthEurope and Klifovet held the first public conference to examine in-depth the contents of the new EU Regulation on Veterinary Medicinal Products, published in the EU Official Journal on 7 January 2019.
As the objectives of the new...
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Digitalization improving ability to protect against animal disease, advance well-being and support livestock production
17 January 2019, Berlin; Hosted jointly by animal medicines industry associations, experts in veterinary science, agriculture and policy discussed digitalization and the future of livestock production at a panel debate during the Global Forum...
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EISA: Transitioning onwards for Sustainable Agriculture
MEPs discuss the future for the health of Europe’s animals
Following the final sign-off of the new EU legislation for veterinary medicines and medicated feed, EU officials met with AnimalhealthEurope and interested stakeholders at the European Parliament. AnimalhealthEurope used the occasion to launch a...
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Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals through innovation in the Agri-Food chain
Yesterday, the Agri-Food chain coalition held an event in the European Parliament to look at the contribution of the agri-food chain to achieving the SDGs.
Hosted by MEP Eva Kaili, the event brought together representatives of the FAO, KeyGene,...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes final adoption of new EU rules for animal medicines
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the EU Council’s formal adoption today of the new EU rules for animal medicines and encourages a timely and science-based implementation of the new regulations on veterinary medicines and medicated feed to...
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European Antibiotics Awareness Day
Antibiotic stewardship actions take effect across Europe for animal health
A strong advocate for responsible use of antibiotics in animals, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the positive outcome of antibiotic stewardship actions taking effect across Europe.
During the course of 2018 AnimalhealthEurope surveyed its...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes plenary adoption of new rules for better animal health coverage for Europe
AnimalhealthEurope is happy to see over four years of intense negotiation come to a head with the European Parliament signing off on the new rules for animal medicines today. The association welcomes these new regulations governing the placing...
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35 winning examples of innovative women farmers
The 5th Innovation Award for Women Farmers was held on October 15th in Brussels by Copa with the support of the Austrian Presidency, DG Agri and sponsored by AnimalhealthEurope. This biennial award organised on the International Day of Rural...
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Year-on-year success of Responsible Use campaigning demonstrated in 8th ESVAC report
AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see efforts to promote the Responsible Use of antibiotics amongst farmers and vets having an impact in the 8th ESVAC* report from the European Medicines Agency.
“All of AnimalhealthEurope’s member companies...
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PPR: Keeping animal disease outbreaks outside Europe’s borders is best-served by supporting international eradication
PPR, a devastating animal disease, once on Europe’s doorstep, is now taking a footstep into the EU. Disease presence in bordering countries has an ever-present potential for spill-over into EU countries and is becoming an increasingly regular...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes recognition of ‘unique status of animal medicines’ in Brexit Whitepaper
Following an initial analysis, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the importance of animal health given a priority focus in the proposed blueprint for the UK’s exit from the EU.
“The animal medicines sector in Europe notes with interest...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes alignment and finalisation of EU rules to support animal health
AnimalhealthEurope applauds efforts to finalise new rules that will bring real benefits to both pets on long-term medication and their owners, as well as a more optimal, efficient and responsible administration of medicines via animal feed,...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes new rules on animal
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the outcomes agreed by the negotiators for the new rules on animal medicines which should help to deliver greater access to a wide range of animal medicines to improve animal health management and animal welfare in...
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Innovation in animal health and sustainable livestock production in Europe
With the European Commission’s recently published proposal for a new common agricultural policy (CAP) deemed ‘fit for the future’, AnimalhealthEurope gathers parties with a stake in the future of livestock production in Europe to discuss...
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‘Safeguarding animal health and welfare: a priority for the future UK-EU relationship’
World Animal Vaccination Day: Prevention is better than cure
Alignment on animal health rules essential post-Brexit
Following the publication of the draft Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom, and the recent UK Prime Minister’s Mansion House address, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the importance of animal health given...
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AnimalhealthEurope responds to call for renewing commitment to fight antibiotic resistance
Following the publication of the latest EU summary report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food, AnimalhealthEurope reconfirms the animal medicines industry’s strong commitment to fighting...
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DISCONTOOLS launches new website
Brussels, 14 February 2018 – DISCONTOOLS, the open-access database identifying research gaps to improve the control and management of more than 50 infectious diseases in animals – has just launched a brand new website with updated info for a...
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AnimalhealthEurope welcomes progress on Animal Medicines Legislative Package
AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the European Council receive the mandate to enter into trilogue negotiations with the Commission and the Parliament to agree on the final text of the new EU Veterinary Medicines and Medicated Feed...
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EMA to relocate to Amsterdam: Keep calm and carry on!
AnimalhealthEurope notes with interest the decision to relocate the European Medicines Agency to Amsterdam, the newly elected host of this very important agency responsible for scientific evaluation, supervision and safety monitoring of...
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NOAH remains committed to working with AnimalhealthEurope
UK and European animal health associations NOAH and AnimalhealthEurope met at London Vet Show today to underline the continuing importance of veterinary medicines for our animals.
AnimalhealthEurope President, Wijnand de Bruijn, and Secretary...
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Keep Antibiotics Working: What the European animal medicines industry is doing
AnimalhealthEurope has just published an overview of actions the animal medicines industry is taking to promote responsible use of antibiotics and preserve the continued efficacy of these precious tools. This complements the focus of this...
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Wijnand de Bruijn of Dopharma elected for second term as AnimalhealthEurope President
AnimalhealthEurope welcomes 7th ESVAC report as firm demonstration of transparency on antibiotic use in animals
Brussels, 16 October 2017; AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the European Medicines Agency’s 7th ESVAC* report as a clear and continued demonstration of the transparency of the animal medicines industry and EU member states with regard to antibiotic...
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New WHO guidelines on medically important antimicrobials in food producing animals lack One Health reasoning
The animal medicines industry in Europe is committed to playing an active role in the global health challenge of antibiotic resistance, which impacts both human and animal health. AnimalhealthEurope is therefore disappointed to see a lack of...
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Press contact:
Clare Carlisle, Communications Director
M+32 474 388711