Global Benchmarking Survey 2020 - Impact on competitiveness of the Animal Health Industry
Regulatory regimes can make or break the industry’s ability to fulfil its function of providing medical solutions to prevent and combat animal disease in an effective, cost-efficient and sustainable manner.
The purpose of the HealthforAnimals Global Benchmarking Survey (GBS) is to examine the interactions between industry and regulatory systems for veterinary medicinal products, particularly the impact of regulations on the animal health industry’s ability to access markets, be innovative and be competitive. This includes
- the ability to bring new products to the market
- the ability to retain and continue to commercialise existing products
- the overall impact on the general availability of veterinary medicinal products
- the identification of emerging issues in the regulatory environment that may have a bearing on these market indicators.
The survey is run every 5 years with the cooperation and involvement of the HealthforAnimals national or regional member associations, including AnimalhealthEurope. This also permits monitoring of trends and competitiveness, ability to do business and on medicines availability. The survey is also a useful tool to gain insight into the expectations of the industry over the next 2-3 years in response to current regulatory dynamics.
The outcome of this survey provides a wealth of information to support informed policy decisions in the continual search for best regulatory practice and opportunities for improvement.
The GBS2020 Report for Europe is the sixth for the European trade association. It summarises the data from 12 AnimalhealthEurope member companies.
The survey originally benchmarked the European Union and USA regulatory systems but has since evolved to include 11 countries in the 2020 survey (Europe, USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, China, Brazil, India, South Africa, Russia and Mexico).
The GBS2020 reports for all these countries are available on the HealthforAnimals website, including a separate global overview report, which draws comparisons between all the countries surveyed.