Animal health policy for today’s reality, the central role for vaccines

When: 28 January 2025 from 9AM to 12PM
Where: European Parliament, PHS C750
MEP Co-hosts: Eric Sargiacomo (S&D), Benoit Cassart (Renew), Stefan Köhler (EPP)

Animal vaccines play an important role in animal health management. They protect against disease transmission amongst animals or to people. Protecting livestock against disease through vaccination also means less food or animal losses, better welfare, and therefore more efficient and sustainable food production. Animal vaccines have been helping Europe to protect its citizens successfully for many years now, preventing zoonotic diseases and managing many food-borne illnesses.

Although good animal health is key to Europe’s crisis preparedness, vaccination of animals still faces many obstacles. This Conference aims to cover the different aspects hindering the uptake of animal vaccination in the European Union.

Provisional programme:

Panel 1: Mitigate & Prepare: Knowledge and networks for preparedness

o Bernard Van Goethem, Deputy Director General for Directorates E, F, G – Crisis Preparedness in Food, Animals and Plants, DG SANTE

o Frank Verdonck, Head of Biological Hazards & Animal Health and Welfare Unit, EFSA

o Nancy de Briyne, Executive Director, Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

o Roxane Feller, Secretary General, AnimalhealthEurope;

Panel 2: Prepare & Respond: Investing in vaccines and vaccine banks to increase responsiveness

o Olivier Debaere, Crisis Director, French Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

o Ivo Claassen, Head of the Veterinary Medicines Division, EMA

o David John, Senior Technical Manager, AnimalhealthEurope

o Paula de Vera, Senior Policy Advisor, Copa Cogeca

Panel 3: Respond & Recover: Societal, budgetary and trade issues, cull or vaccinate?

o Louis Perrault, Senior Advisor Hendrix Genetics – SASSO, and President Rural Poultry Association

o Fabienne Niger, Sector Manager, FFCB (French livestock traders association)

o Francisco Reviriego, Head of Unit G2 – Animal Health, DG SANTE

o Montserrat Arroyo, Deputy Director General for International Standards and Science, WOAH