EMA Veterinary Innovation Day

In 2018, EMA hosted the first Innovation Day dedicated to veterinary medicines. This event, which preceded the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation, provided an overview of the legislative framework and focussed on the Agency’s support to innovation of veterinary medicines.

Regulation 2019/6 identified innovation in the development of new veterinary medicines as one of the main priority areas, enabling new and innovative veterinary medicines to reach the market more efficiently while maintaining high standards of safety and efficacy. Three years after Regulation 2019/6 coming into effect, the Agency is hosting a second edition dedicated to topic of innovation.

Spread over two days, the event will include sessions on EU legislative framework for veterinary medicinal products, on the Agency’s support to innovation of veterinary medicines and other interactions to support innovative medicines.

EMA will share the event programme at a later stage.

More about this event