Briefing paper on One Health
While the concept has long been recognised, the term ‘One Health’ was introduced in the early 2000s. It acknowledges the constantly evolving relationship between animals and humans and the planet they share. Many disciplines and sciences are involved and several visionary individuals have, over the centuries, attempted to promote awareness and improve the management of the risks and consequences that arise at the interface between animal, human and ecosystem health.
At international level, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) work together to promote cross-sectoral collaboration to reduce risks from zoonoses, and other public threats existing and emerging at the human-animal-ecosytem interface. In Europe, the EU institutions and Member States promote the One Health concept particularly through disease preparedness and by tackling antimicrobial resistance.
Animal health, human health and the environment we live in are inextricably linked and AnimalhealthEurope members look to deliver innovative solutions to address One Health challenges.