Animal disease prevention overlooked in Vision for Agriculture and Food
AnimalhealthEurope is disappointed to see animal health and the critical need to enhance animal disease prevention in the EU largely overlooked in the Commission’s recently published Vision for Agriculture and Food.
In the section on Preparedness and risk-proofing agri-food sector, ‘animal diseases’ is mentioned among other challenges as being part of our new reality in Europe, and the paper states the EU needs to review and strengthen the toolbox to better manage risks and crises. Whilst there is mention of providing exceptional support to farmers linked to appropriate risk management and preventive measures, there is no clear direction for preventive animal disease actions to be a cornerstone for supporting the ‘vulnerable’ EU livestock sector.
It is well documented that disease prevention in animals not only supports better health and welfare, but it also supports reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced food losses at farm level, improved farm economics, and therefore more sustainable food production.
Roxane Feller, AnimalhealthEurope Secretary General commented:
“Whilst we welcome the statement that Sustainable livestock is crucial for the EU economy, viability of rural areas and preservation of the environment and of rural landscapes, we firmly believe that animal disease prevention must be central to the long-term vision for livestock.
With this in mind, the animal health sector looks forward to playing an active role in the work stream on livestock, as our solutions have long been and will continue to be appropriate and vital tools to accompany the livestock sector, playing a role in addressing its environmental footprint, and enhancing the development of sustainable production models.
Technological developments and innovations in animal health care, alongside education and knowledge sharing on how best to use these tools, will serve to ensure ever-more sustainable animal farming practices.”