AFCC - Priorities for the EU Institutions 2019-2024
The Agri-food sector is the engine of European food systems, contributing significantly to Europe’s growth and jobs. Nowadays, the agri-food chain industries are not only expected to provide food for all but also to drive innovation and to help Europe achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, agri-food systems will play a key part in delivering the EU’s ambition of a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 through reduced emissions and, especially, through mitigation efforts and increased biomass production.
The Agri-Food Chain Coalition has developed this brochure to highlight some of the key challenges facing the agri-food chain in Europe. Focusing on three priority areas:
- Combating climate change
- Achieving sustainable development goals
- Providing access to innovation & smart farming
the brochure includes a call from the AFCC to the EU Institutions and Member States to develop and adopt common policies to unleash the great potential of the European agri-food chain.