Roadmap for Sustainable EU Livestock
In 2016, EU40 – the network of young Members of the European Parliament – organised a trilogy of debates entitled “Sustainable EU Livestock: Actions towards an Innovative, Climate-Smart and Competitive Future”.
An informal stakeholder group on Sustainable Livestock Production in Europe, of which IFAH-Europe is a member, have taken the outcomes of the debates and developed the ideas into a ‘Roadmap for Sustainable EU Livestock.’
Making food production more sustainable is one of the greatest challenges of our times. In the face of global population growth, increased demand for animal protein, and climate action commitments, we need to ask ourselves how the EU livestock sector can become more sustainable? How can more be produced with less? In the light of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, the need to find ways for a sustainable livestock approach in today’s EU agricultural sector has proven to be more timely and relevant than ever.
This document aims at highlighting livestock-specific actions that can contribute to a sustainable EU agricultural sector through innovation, technology, and science-based solutions.
Members of the informal stakeholder group on Sustainable Livestock Production in Europe:
- Animal Task Force
- European Council of Young Farmers – CEJA
- European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP
- Elanco
- European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation – FEFAC
- International Federation for Animal Health Europe – IFAH-Europe
- Polish Poultry Council Chamber of Commerce
- Newcastle University
NB: This document is not an official position of the EU 40