Welcome recognition of essential role of vaccination by Belgian Presidency
Welcome recognition of essential role of vaccination by Belgian Presidency
22/01/2024 - The Belgian Presidency to the Council of the EU organised a Ministerial Conference on Animal Health highlighting the essential...
AnimalhealthEurope welcomed newly launched Antimicrobial Sales and Use (ASU) Platform
AnimalhealthEurope welcomed newly launched Antimicrobial Sales and Use (ASU) Platform
30/01/2024 All EU Member States and European Economic Area countries are legally obliged to submit both sales and use data annually to the...
EMA Veterinary Medicines Info Day
EMA Veterinary Medicines Info Day
13/03/2024 - The annual info day saw regulators and industry exchange on the latest updates on veterinary regulatory policy and scientific...
Report on Trends in Parasite Control in Pets – Europe published
Report on Trends in Parasite Control in Pets – Europe published
09/03/2024 - The trends report outlines how the landscape for parasite control is shifting in Europe, where threats may be rising, and what...
United with 1000 organisations in call for European Industrial Deal
United with 1000 organisations in call for European Industrial Deal
11/04/2024 - 1000 supporters from business leaders of companies, associations and Trade Union organisations representing 25 sectors across...
Vets and industry call for value of animal vaccination to be recognised
Vets and industry call for value of animal vaccination to be recognised
19/04/2024 - AnimalhealthEurope joined FECAVA and FVE in a campaign for World Animal Vaccination Day to highlight the wide-ranging value of...
Highlighting the challenges of a universal PFAS ban
Highlighting the challenges of a universal PFAS ban
23/04/2024 - AnimalhealthEurope created an infographic highlighting the challenges of a universal PFAS ban and impacts on the...
Animal Health Matters: Our Manifesto for the EU elections
Animal Health Matters: Our Manifesto for the EU elections
15/05/2024 - We highlighted our four key asks for the new European Parliament to ensure that animal health remains a central focus.
AnimalhealthEurope spoke at the Canadian Animal Health Institute’s Conference
AnimalhealthEurope spoke at the Canadian Animal Health Institute’s Conference
03/06/2024 - Senior Technical Manager Jaume Colomer presented on EU framework for packaging and waste.
Housewarming party at AnimalhealthEurope’s new offices
Housewarming party at AnimalhealthEurope’s new offices
19/06/2024 - Following our move in May we had a housewarming for members and guests.
Roundtable: animal health and beyond
Roundtable: animal health and beyond
20/06/2024 - On June 20 AnimalhealthEurope hosted a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders to reflect on current legislative and...
Joint call for an ambitious and well-funded FP10
Joint call for an ambitious and well-funded FP10
04/07/2024 - We joined a call for a significant budget increase for research Framework Programme 10 and to make pan-European collaborative...
Call for societal role of livestock farming to be recognised in Strategic Dialogue
Call for societal role of livestock farming to be recognised in Strategic Dialogue
26/07/2024 - 12 associations joined efforts in a letter to President Von der Leyen calling for the wider societal role of livestock farming...
Welcome recognition of role of animal health in Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
Welcome recognition of role of animal health in Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
04/09/2024 - AnimalhealthEurope was pleased to see the important role of animal heath recognised in the outcome report from the Strategic...
AnimalhealthEurope welcomed UN Political Declaration on AMR
AnimalhealthEurope welcomed UN Political Declaration on AMR
13/09/2024 - The broad consensus for better animal health and disease prevention, alongside actions in human health and environmental...
Plea for European Commission to pay greater attention to animal health
Plea for European Commission to pay greater attention to animal health
19/09/2024 - AnimalhealthEurope highlighted the lack of mentions of animal health, and scarce mention of One Health during Commissioner...
TOPRA Veterinary Symposium 2024
TOPRA Veterinary Symposium 2024
30/09/2024 - Regulators and industry met at the 2024 TOPRA Symposium in Rotterdam, in partnership with the Medicines Evaluation Board, the...
#PetPower Night 2024: Empowering the human-animal bond
#PetPower Night 2024: Empowering the human-animal bond
30/09/2024 - Pet Alliance Europe welcomed IAHAIO President Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers as keynote speaker at their annual #PetPower Night in...
Human Animal Bond: A research compilation on #PetPower
Human Animal Bond: A research compilation on #PetPower
30/09/2024 - Pet Alliance Europe launched a second edition of their booklet with highlights from research studies on the benefits of the...
4th Veterinary Big Data Stakeholder Forum
4th Veterinary Big Data Stakeholder Forum
14/10/2024 - Our Public Affairs Manager, Diana Teixeira, spoke at the EMA’s 4th Veterinary Big Data Stakeholder Forum on stakeholder...
Hungarian Presidency event on vaccination and TADs
Hungarian Presidency event on vaccination and TADs
05/11/2024 - Our Secretary General, Roxane Feller, spoke at the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU event on “Vaccination as a...
7th VICH Conference: VICH and a new Era
7th VICH Conference: VICH and a new Era
13/11/2024 - VICH’s 7th public conference was hosted by AnimalhealthEurope and the European Medicines Agency on 13–14 November at the...
Pieter-Jan Serreyn joined us as our new Technical Director
Pieter-Jan Serreyn joined us as our new Technical Director
02/12/2024 - With the retirement of current Technical Director Rick Clayton at the end of 2024, AnimalhealthEurope welcomed Pieter-Jan...